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  • Do you suffer from frequent urinary complaints?

    April 28, 2021 1 min read

    Do you suffer from frequent urinary complaints?

    Mutrakrichra or painful urination is classified into 8 types (bheda) ??

    1. Vataja ?

    2. Pittaja?

    3. Kaphaja?

    4. Sannipataja

    5. Abhighataja

    6. Sakrtja

    7. Ashamrija

    8. Shukraja

    Treatment of the various types is described in the classical text M.N Chapter 30.

    Nidana/ Causative factors for dysuria according to Madhava Nidana

    * too much exercise (vyayama) ?‍♀️

    * Alcoholic drinks (madhya) ?

    * Eating foods to frequently (adhyashana)

    * Indigestion (ajeerna)

    * Pitta increasing foods ?

    * kashaya, tikta, ruksha ahara (astringent, bitter and excess dry foods)

    * katu and lavana ahara (hot and salty)

    * Riding on vehicles or animals (elephants and horses) ? ?

    Pathya/ wholesome ????

    * Old rice

    * Green gram

    * Water melon

    * Cucumber

    * Dates/ kharjura

    * Coconut water/ narikela

    * Kushmanda

    * Aloe vera

    * Gokshura/ Amalaki

    * buttermilk/ takram

    Apathya/ unwholesome ????

    * Excess exercise

    * Vegavarodha (suppressing a natural urge)

    * Ruksha ahara (dry foods)

    * Exposure to strong wind

    * Intercourse

    * Alcohol ?

    * Fish ?

    * Fried foods

    * Betel leaves

    * Fresh ginger/ ardrakam

    * Sesame seeds

    If you are suffering with frequent urinary complaints and would like to find out more in an Ayurvedic consultation you are welcome to email: or call ph: 0406810547

    We look forward to hearing from you ?

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