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  • Below are some of our favourite videos about Ayurvedic herbs, remedies, treatments and more.

    Check out our YouTube and IGTV Channels to stay up to date on our current videos!

    Lakshmi Ayurveda in the early days.

    Abhyanga and Shirodhara Training Course

    Introduction to Lakshmi Ayurveda Academy Courses

    Mentoring Internship Student Program

    Mentoring/ Training at Lakshmi Ayurveda with New Therapist, Roberta

    Yoni Steaming

    Ayurvedic Tips for Hydration

    5 Tips for Living an Ayurveda Lifestyle

    Preparing A Treatment

    Abhyanga Course


    Course Testimonial

    Pinda Sveda Treatment Training

    Basti Enema Treatment

    Tongue Analysis Ebook

    International Yoga Day

    Surya Namaskar A