Ushira - Vetiveria Zizanioides

February 11, 2020 1 min read

Ushira - Vetiveria Zizanioides

A very hot day in Perth today (42C). If you are suffering from a Prickly heat rash or excessive sweating this herb might be very beneficial for you. Read more

Our favourite herb from our Ayurvedic pharmacy for today is Ushira - Vetiveria zizanioides.

Ushira is a very cooling ❄️herb for the body and the mind. Charaka has categorised it as a varnya/ complexion promoting herb.

Other benefits are
- reduces burning sensation of the body❄️
- alleviates excessive sweating, relieves a bad odour ❄️
- Cools the urinary tract ❄️
- Relieves thirst ❄️
- Useful in fever ❄️
- Promotes lactation ❄️

Ayurvedic properties
Bitter and sweet in taste
Virya/ potency - cold
Pungent post digestive taste
Dosha: Alleviates Pitta and Kapha
Action: Cooling, deodorant, diuretic, rejuvenates

1. Apply a paste of Ushira and Chandana (Sandalwood) as a bath powder before your bath, it promotes complexion and reduces burning sensation
2. Prickly heat, make a paste with Ushira, Mushtaka and Dhanyaka this will show amazing results.
3. Ushira is also great to infuse in fragrant waters, body deodorants and Ayurvedic aromatic oils
4. For excessive sweating and thirst, use 1 tablespoon with 5 cups of water. Boil for 2-5 minutes, strain and drink throughout the day.

Charaka Sutrasthana Chapter 25
To apply externally as a paste, to relieve burning sensation, skin disorders and to relieve excessive sweating there is nothing better than Usheera.

Ushira is one of the ingredients of our favourite facial oil (kumkumadi thailam) an oil famous for promoting a beautiful complexion.

For more information or if you would like to try our cooling bath powder email

With Love your Lakshmi Ayurveda team