PCOS and Ayurveda.

April 26, 2022 2 min read

PCOS and Ayurveda.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition that impacts many women within society today.

From a western medicine perspective, may doctors say that PCOS is incurable. Ayurveda looks at the condition from a complex approach of identifying the root cause of the disease and focusing on the lifestyle, food and herbal formulations.


Lifestyle and diet are HUGE factors to diagnosis and increased prevalence in PCOS. Stress, high fat and sugar intake in addition to trauma can majorly contribute to physical disorders. Therefore we must first correct these aspects in order to provide healing

Many of the symptoms of PCOS are related to a Kapha imbalance. Symptoms may include:

    • Irregular menstural cycle

    • Infertility

    • Obesity

    • Skin conditions

    • Abnormal hair growth on various places of the body

    • Ovarian cysts

From an Ayurvedic perspective, we would identify PCOS as a disease related to the Arthavahasrotas, channels of the female reproductive system. As a result of imbalance, an Avarana occurs, a blockage within the channels of the female reproductive system.

Doshadushyasamurchana - kapha and meda dhatu need to be brought into balance to treat this condition. Meda dhatu is the adipose/fat tissues. Therefore weight management treatment is often included in Ayurvedic treatment of PCOS. In the Samprapti line of treatment we would address both obesity (sthaulya) ad Prameha (diabetes) as potential co-contributing factors.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, we would treat the qualities of the condition which often include guru (heaviness) and Snigdha (oiliness). We need to balance these qualities with light and cleansing procedures.

Weight-gain is often related to a slow metabolism, called mandagni. Treating the slow metabilism with ayurvedic cleansing and digestive herbs will help to promote the digestive function


Dance, exercise, yoga. Regularity in routine. Dance enhances the mood and is a great workout routine for anyone who is not encouraged by other physical exercise.


Food is critically important in a PCOS treatment program!

No white sugar, processed foods, caffeine, soy products and nightshades. Limit excessive salt and dairy products. Any foods that show tendencies to encourage blockages within the body and those that are heavy and oily should be avoided. Examples: curd in the evening, deep fried foods, nightshades etc.

✅ Incorporating more digestive spices, small amounts of ghee in cooking, buttermilk and other recommendations given by your practitioner.


Panchakarma treatment is best! The program would generally start with an Udvarthanam powder massage (as shown in the posts photo) Great for improving circulation, treating water retention and encouraging weight loss. Sudation sweating treatments would be included as well as traditional treatments such as Vamana, virechana and lekahan basti.

Lekhana basti is a cleansing basti, focused on reduction of fat and cleansing the deep tissues of the body. This is great for weight loss.

The treatment program will be individualised based on the needs of the individual. Each client with PCOS needs to have an initial consultation with one of our practitioners to discuss further

Bookings available via the link in our bio.

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