Mushrooms from an Ayurvedic Perspective.

April 26, 2022 2 min read

Mushrooms from an Ayurvedic Perspective.
Should I consume Mushrooms? We hear this question quite often from clients here at the clinic. There is a plethora of conflicting ideas and perspectives in various communities regarding the consumption. We will expand upon this topic below from our personal recommendations

Mushrooms are considered Tamasic in Ayurveda and yogic tradition. If you are not familiar with the term tamasic, this can be translated as inertia or lethargy. Because mushrooms grow in damp and dark locations they are said to embody these qualities in their nature. Therefore when we eat them, they tend to have a dull and heavy quality on the mind and body

Other examples of Tamasic foods include all refined sugars, animal meat, alcohol, foods with preservatives, fried and frozen foods.

From an Ayurvedic and Yogic point of view, we are striving to incorporate more Sattvic foods in our diet ✅ Sattvic meaning pure, light, fresh and nutrient dense. These foods are encouraged to keep the mind calm and the body in balance.

Sattvic foods can be loosely categorised as most fresh fruits and vegetables, most whole grains, legumes and nuts. Some examples include almonds, rice, dates, milk, honey, mango, walnuts, sweet potato and more.

We do believe there are nutritional benefits to consuming mushrooms but should generally only be consumed when the digestive fire is strong, there is low amounts of AMA (digestive toxins) in the body and mind, and the mushrooms are fresh and organic.

If you would like to speak with a practitioner regarding your nutrition and diet you are welcome to email us to set up an appointment. Alternatively bookings can be make via the link in our bio.

Wishing you a great day ☀️

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