Christmas Gift Ideas

December 07, 2021 1 min read

Christmas Gift Ideas
Christmas is just a month away! Have you purchased your gifts for loved ones yet? Below are out top ten gift ideas. 

    1. Ayurvedic face pack. Our most popular Ayurvedic face mask, made at Lakshmi Ayurveda.

    1. Sesame oil. Great for at home oil massage.

    1. Kansa vatki. See our previous post for more information. So great for your at home foot massage.

    1. Gua Sha. For natural facial lift and toning.

    1. Incense and sage sticks.

    1. Ayurvedic hair oil - we suggest our homemade brahmi amla hair oil.

    1. Jojoba oil.

    1. Bells.

    1. Eyelash serum - one of our most popular homemade beauty products!

    1. Gift vouchers - purchase either a set amount, a treatment or consultation voucher.

Most of the products listed above are available via our online shop. The link to view is in our bio!

If you would like to come into the shop to view our selection, the clinic is open from Monday to Saturday from 9am-4pm.

Wishing you a beautiful afternoon.

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