Join qualified Yoga Therapist and Physiotherapist Christiane Purcell for Chair Yoga at Lakshmi Ayurveda.
This will be a gentle Yoga class suitable for all ages and levels of ability. Classical Yoga focuses on the power of the breath to heal the body and mind using very simple movements performed with the breath
using an intelligent sequence executed with mindful attention. The practice will promote healthy flexibility in the spine and all of the joints with all postures will be done sitting in the chair or using the chair for support.
Classes will include teachings on Yoga philosophy, chanting, visualisation and meditation.
The class will be followed by community meditation every Saturday at 10.45am – 11.15am by donation. All proceeds will go to charity. This is a great opportunity to learn about and practice meditation with a supportive group.
Enjoy the many benefits that meditation brings in the peaceful Lakshmi Yoga space. A chance to meet new friends and support a healthy lifestyle at our healing centre.