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  • Thalapothichil Treatment

    November 16, 2020 1 min read

    Thalapothichil Treatment

    In South India, thalapothichil is a very popular and widely used ayurvedic treatment.

    Thala means head and pothichil means covering. ?

    A medicated paste is applied on the patient’s head.

    The paste is prepared specifically to suit the persons need. The treatment is very cooling, relaxing and soothing. ?

    Our patient today has been suffering from headaches and we have choosen a cooling Amalaki paste made with buttermilk (takra).

    Before applying the paste a shiroabhyanga (head massage) is done, the paste is then applied. A small hole is made in the banana leaf on the crown area where oil is poured to keep the paste nice and moist.

    Indications for this treatment are:

    * Chronic headache and migraine

    * High blood pressure

    * Hair and scalp ailments

    * Mental fatigue, poor memory and concentration

    * Anxiety and depression

    * Pitta-Vata related imbalances

    * Stimulates the head Marma

    * Chronic sinusitis

    To see if this treatment is suitable for you we recommend an initial Ayurvedic consultation.
    We are offering half price student consultation appointments throughout the week.

    Online booking available, visit

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    With Love from Lakshmi Ayurveda ❤️

    #Thalapothichil #insomnia #headache #migraine #irritability #excessheat #depression#anxiety#dandruff#prematuregreying#mentalfatigue#poormemory#marmatherapy#shiroabhyanga#ayurvedictherapies#panchakarma#authenticayurveda#lakshmiayurveda

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