October 01, 2021 1 min read

A quote from the Charaka Samhita on the incredible results of Snehapana, intake of sneha dravya, medicated ghee/oils.

What is Snehapana?

Snehana means to oleate or make smooth. In this process we are in the process of making the body Snigdha in quality, or oily.

The intake of medicated ghee helps to loosen the deep toxins accumulated in the body and expel them out through purificatory treatments like Vamana and Virechana. The ghee penetrates the deep layers of the dhatus and pulls the toxins into the digestive tract where they are then expelled.

Have you undergone snehapana? How was your experience drinking medicated ghee?

This process is only to be done under the direct supervision of an experienced Ayurvedic Practitioner. The type of ghee used as well as amount is very important and only to be prescribed after consultation with a practitioner.

Stay tuned for more videos and posts about the preparatory stages to Panchakarma and the intake to medicated ghee, Snehapana at the clinic.

Wishing you a great day!

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