Nishamalaki Churna Preparation

February 17, 2021 1 min read

Nishamalaki Churna Preparation

Today we prepared Nishamalaki for a client, an Ayurvedic formulation made up of both Turmeric ? and Amalaki ? powders.

This powerful combination is useful in treating clients with diabetes, urinary disorders and infections. The formulation is full of antioxidants and works to protect the heart ♥️ as well as targets harmful inflammation.

Clients experiencing diabetic neuropathy, numbness and burning sensations, as well as diabetic retinopathy eye ? damage often find Nishamalaki useful in treating their symptoms.

Although this formulation is simple and safe, it should only be taken once prescribed by a practitioner.

If you suffer from diabetes and are curious to learn more about the Ayurvedic approach to diabetes, you’re welcome to email us at or call/text 0406 810 547.

We hope you have a great afternoon ☀️

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