Next Ayurveda and Yoga workshop on Sunday 27th of July 2014.

May 12, 2014 1 min read 1 Comment

According to Ayurveda and the Yogic science harmony is our natural state. Yet to maintain this condition we must know our nature and live according to its rhythm .

In Ayurveda this regime is called Swasthavrittam. Swasthavritta teaches us:

    1. Daily regime (Dinacharya)

    1. Seasonal regime (Ritucharya)

    1. Precautionary measures against untimely ageing.

    1. General rules of conduct for the wellbeing of the society.

    1. Practice of Yoga, Yogic body cleansing, Pranayama and Asanas

This workshop will cover the above topics and will provide you with the tools to follow your daily and seasonal regime at home.

You will learn about the importance of tongue cleaning, neti, eye bath, nasya, abhyanga/ oil massage,  and many more wonderful body and mind rejuvenating ancient practices.

We love to share this knowledge as this a key for good health and happiness and disease prevention.

For enquiry please contact Karin or Christiane or

We look forward hearing from you

1 Response


November 14, 2023

I’m interested in the day workshop you are running and am wondering the cost and availability.

Sonya wrenn

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