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  • Homemade Brahmi and Amla Oil.

    October 01, 2021 1 min read

    Homemade Brahmi and Amla Oil.
    In this video Karin briefly explains how to use the oil to perform a head massage at home. She has spent five days preparing this homemade Brahmi and Amla oil for our clients.

    Brahmi is great for encouraging relaxation. Amla, also known as Amalaki, has highly rejuvenation qualities, full of Vitamin C and is great for promoting hair growth.

    This oil is traditionally used for head massage. Regular head massage with Ayurvedic oils helps to encourage relaxation and sound sleep, hair growth while maintaining a healthy shine and colour.

    The oil is available in the shop! You are welcome to check out our online shop for more of our hair oil selection.

    Wishing you a great afternoon!

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