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  • The beauty of Saffron

    December 14, 2017 2 min read

    The beauty of Saffron

    The Indian Saffron is cultivated in Kashmir, and is also known by the name Kesar, Kumkuma, or the latin name crocus sativus-stigmata.

    It is a small perennial growing to about 20cm with violet leaves and each flower producing 3 stamens.

    When Saffron is flowering the fields are filled with the most amazing violet/red glow. This is truly breathtaking.

    To produce 1 gm of dried saffron it will take approximately 160 flowers no wonder it is such a costly herb.


    The Ayurvedic properties/ energetic are

    Rasa (taste): Katu (Pungent) and tikta (bitter)

    Guna (qualities): light and unctuous

    Virya (energy): ushna (hot)

    Vipaka (post digestive effect): katu

    Doshas: Tridoshahara (balances Vata,Pitta and Kapha)

    Parts used: Stigma/ Stamen


    Ayurvedic Actions

    It is mostly known as Varnya (improves the complexion) and it is used for the treatment of acne, black head and a variety of skin disease.

    It can be applied externally as a paste (when applied on forehead it relieves headache) and internally with milk and honey to improve the skin complexion.

    Kumkuma is also the main ingredient of the beautiful Kumkumadi thailam (also available at Lakshmi Ayurveda).

    There are so many uses of Kumkum/ Saffron acting beneficial on the heart, nerves, mind, reproductive system, blood (Anaemia), pain reducing and immunity increasing.

    Other actions of this herb are

    Deepana/ Pachana = digestive and increases the digestive fire

    Kusthaghna = alleviates skin diseases

    Sonitasthapana = alleviates bleeding

    Sirorogajit = alleviates headaches

    Rasayana = Rejuvenative


    Saffron is a very sattvic herb, its action on the blood and the heart encourages compassion and love.

    Saffron is also sacred to Lord Shiva and offered to him either raw or with milk.


    This beautiful herb in its purest form and certified organic is available at Lakshmi’s shop:

    We look forward to welcoming you at Lakshmi Ayurveda