Our Favourite Coffee Alternatives ☕️

November 02, 2022 1 min read

Our Favourite Coffee Alternatives ☕️
I have stopped having caffeine for a while now and It has made a positive impact on my well-being. The two things I have noticed the most is a decrease in energy fluctuation and better digestion.

A client who has recently made the change to go caffeine free said it has helped him to reduce his inflammation, bloating and migraines which were absolutely debilitating for him. They would occur every time he wouldn’t have a coffee in 24hrs.

Trying to quit drinking coffee or lower your consumption? Check out our top alternative recommendations below 

    1. Golden milk ✨

    1. Dandelion Chai ☕️

    1. Chicory

    1. Raja’s cup

    1. Date and almond Ojas drink

Many of our clients love the ritual of having a morning coffee ☕️ If you find that you crave the bitter and astringent qualities of coffee, we would suggest substituting with chicory and dandelion. Both have quite a nice earthy, bitter taste which many coffee lovers crave.

If you simply crave the ritual of having a warm morning drink, we definitely suggest trying our golden milk mix or the date and almond Ojas drink. Check out our blog for a free Ojas drink downloadable 

What are your favourite coffee alternatives?

Our shop has a number of coffee alternatives, you are welcome to browse our selection. We are open from Monday - Saturday from 9am-4:30pm 

#coffee #nocaffeine #caffeinefree #lakshmishop #lakshmiayurveda #quitcoffee #goldenmilk #turmeric #dandelionchai #dandelion #chicory #rajascup #dateandalmondojas #ojasdrink #Ojas #morningcoffee