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  • Another Classical Ayurvedic Preparation - Dhumavati

    November 02, 2022 1 min read

    Another Classical Ayurvedic Preparation - Dhumavati
    Dhuma is a Sanskrit word for “smoke” 

    Dhumapana is the inhalation of medicinal smoke.

    The Dhumavati, as shown in the photos, is prepared with a number of Ayurvedic herbs specified for the needs of the client. Some herbs include Rasnadi, Guggulu, Dashamools and more 

    We can learn about the practice of Dhumapana in the classical Ayurvedic text, Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana Chapter 21 

    Different types of Dhumapana are mentioned 

    1. Snigdha Dhuma - useful in Vata imbalance.

    2. Madhya Dhuma - medium strength, useful in Vata and Kapha imbalance also known as Shamana Dhuma.

    3. Teekshna Dhuma - strong, useful in Kapha imbalance. Also known as virechana Dhuma.

    The smoke is inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth to remove any excess Kapha. For the best effect and proper elimination of doshas, it is repeated 3 times (3 inhalations and 3 exhalations.

    ❗️Several contraindications are mentioned for Dhumapana, and it is advised to see an Ayurvedic practitioner before inhaling medicinal smoke.

    Some benefits and indications of Dhumapana include

    1. Cough.

    2. Rhinitis.

    3. Disorder of the voice.

    4. Bad smell of the nose and mouth.

    For more information, you are welcome to send us a message or call 0406 810 547.

    With love from Lakshmi Ayurveda

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