Cookies for Kapha.

October 18, 2022 1 min read

Cookies for Kapha.
It’s spring here in Perth. An important time to balance Kapha dosha!

Check out our recent posts to learn how to stay balanced in spring. A Kapha balancing diet usually includes avoiding sweets and heavy foods. Cookies generally = heavy and sweet, but we wanted to provide a healthy and balanced alternative for sweet lovers

Made with Trikatu, the three spices formula (ginger, black pepper and pippali), these cookies help to keep your digestion strong. Check out our recent posts to learn more about trikatu. Available in the Lakshmi shop.

Simple to make, very slightly sweet, and satisfying.


    • 1 cup of organic rolled oats

    • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds

    • 2 tbsp olive oil (sunflower or almond oil would be great alternatives)

    • 1/4 cup organic ground jaggery (unrefined cane sugar, look also for panela in the shop)

    • 1 tsp trikatu

    • 1/2 tsp ginger

    • 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

    • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder

    • 2tbsp room temperature water


    1. Measure the rolled oats and sunflower seeds. Blend until fine. Pour into a bowl.

    1. Add the spices. Mix evenly.

    1. Add the ground panela or jaggery. Mix evenly.

    1. Add the olive oil and water and mix.

    1. Form into small balls and press down slightly with a fork.

    1. Makes about 9 small cookies.

    1. Bake at 180c for about 12 minutes or until golden brown.

    1. Enjoy warm with a spicy, digestive enhancing kapha tea ☕️ I had mine with a tulsi and ginger tea, yum.

We hope you enjoy :) 

#kapha #kaphadosha #ayurveda #ayurvedaperth #ayurvedarecipe #balancekapha #sweet #cookie #ayurvedacookie #kaphacookie #lakshmiayurveda #ayurvedablog