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  • Cellulite - is it bad? The Ayurvedic Perspective.

    September 22, 2022 2 min read

    Cellulite - is it bad? The Ayurvedic Perspective.
    It is important to understand that it is normal to have some cellulite on our bodies. In a culture where cellulite is often shamed, we want to speak about it from an Ayurvedic perspective.

    Cellulite does not always equate to excess fat and adipose tissue. It can be related to unhealthy formation of the meda dhatu, the adipose tissues. This is important to remember, people of all sizes can experience cellulite. From an Ayurvedic perspective we would address the following points:

      • The individuals Jathragni (digestive fire).

      • Ama, digestive toxins in the body.

      • Dhatu agni (functioning of the bodily tissues, particularly the plasma, muscle and fat tissues).

      • Lymphatic system and circulation.

      • Dietary habits.

      • Exercise and lifestyle habits.

    If the cellulite results from AMA, excess weight, poor diet and lifestyle habits, we would treat the individual with more reducing treatments.

      • Kapha reducing diet and herbs.

      • Detoxification.

      • Body brushing.

      • Powder massage

      • Cardio exercise and muscle toning.

    If the person and experiencing cellulite with a slim frame, we would avoid excessive reduction treatment, as weight loss may not be suitable. Oftentimes, the cellulite can be corrected by addressing a poorly functioning agni, digestive fire. Light detoxification is suggested through light and easy-to-digest diet - such as kitchari and mung soup. This helps the body to process excess AMA, digestive toxins, which can be an indicator of cellulite. A light castor oil purge may also be suggested, based on the needs of the client.

    Ayurvedic herbs may be prescribed during a consultation based on the client’s unique needs. This may include Triphala, manjistha, panchakola, ginger and more.

    Interested in creating a specialised treatment program for you? Bookings with our practitioners are available via the link in our bio.

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