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  • Aims of Rasayana

    May 12, 2020 2 min read

    Aims of Rasayana
    Have you heard of Rasayana before?
    This is something we talked about at our online chat and chai yesterday.

    Rasayana/ rejuvenation is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda. Rasayana can be translated as nourishment of Rasa dhatu. Rasa (Rasadi dhatu) + Ayana (nourishment).
    Rasa is the first dhatu, it is the essence of the food we eat. The rasa dhatu circulates all over the body with the help of Vyana Vayu. This already highlights the importance of a suitable, healthy and nutritious diet.

    Rasayana According to Charaka
    A person undergoing Rasayana/ Rejuvenation therapy attains longevity, memory, intellect, freedom from diseases, youth, excellence lustre complexion, voice, physical strength and proper functioning of the sense organs, respect, Vak-siddhi (what he/she says comes true).
    CS. Chi 1:1/7-8

    According to Sharagdhara
    Rasayana tu tat jneyam yat jara vyadhi nashanam
    Rasayana slows down ageing and prevents disease.

    Aim of Rasayana

    1. To maintain the health of a healthy person
    2. To prolong ageing
    3. To treat specific disease
    4. Good functioning dhatus/ bodily tissues
    5. Stimulate Agni/ digestive fire
    6. Improve vitality
    7. Increase immunity
    8. Good functioning metabolism
    9. Increases Ojas
    10. improves the intellect

    How is Rasayana practiced?
    It is done with following a suitable diet, lifestyle, ayurvedic body treatments, yoga, meditation and preventative medicines.

    1. Ahara/ Food
    2. Vihara/ lifestyle
    3. Dravya/ medicines

    It is also mentioned the importance of good conduct and ethical behaviour such as the practices of Yama and Niyama. This is called Achara Rasayana.

    There are two types of Rasayan mentioned by Acharya Charaka

    1. Kuti praveshika - done inside a special designed cottage (hardly practiced these days)
    2. Vatatapika - administered even if the person is exposed to the wind and the sun

    Rasayana herbs have also been mentioned according to the age of a person.

    Some of the common Rasayana herbs and indications:

    Ashwagandha - Vata disorders
    Bala - for strength
    Brahmi - for the mind
    Guduchi - for autoimmune disease
    Haridra, Shilajit - for diabetes
    Triphala - for eye disease
    Gokshuram - urinary disease

    Some well known Rasayana formulation

    Chyavanprash - auto immune disease and respiratory ailments
    Agastya Rasayana - respiratory conditions
    Ashwagandha Rasayana - neurological disease
    Pippali Rasayana - bronchial asthma
    Brahmi Rasayana - memory

    Rasayana is a practice which is done after undergoing Panchakarma treatment but can also be practiced independently.

    If you feel run-down, depleted, suffer from chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, chronic health issues, have undergone chemotherapy, experience high levels of anxiety and stress then Rasayana treatment will be suitable for you.

    To find out more about Rasayana programmes at Lakshmi Ayurveda click the link below.

    For more information or book your initial Ayurvedic consultation email
    With Love your Lakshmi Ayurveda team
