This is Vaishvanara churna prepared for one of our patients.
This Ayurvedic herbal formulation is very useful in the treatment of low Agni (digestive fire), bloating, spastic colon, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis and it is promoting the downward flow of Vata (Vatanulomana).
The ingredients are:
1. Saindhava - rock salt - 2 parts 2. Ajwain - 2 parts 3. Ajamonda - 3 parts 4. Sunthi - 5 parts 5. Haritaki - 12 parts The formulations is best taken with hot water (ushna Jala) or Takra (buttermilk), for people with sensitive stomach it can also be taken along with ghee.
In Ayurvedic literature this formulation is given in the treatment of