
May 15, 2019 3 min read

Let’s talk about Ojas, the vital nectar of life.

Ojas Vijnanam - The specialised knowledge of the bodily essence called Ojas.

Sthula bhagah shukram snehabhagah sukshma tejabhutam ojah |Su Su 14

Ojas is the essence of the saptadhatus the seven bodily tissues Su Su 22:19.

(Please see our recent articles posted on our blog on www.lakshmiayurveda.com.au to read more about saptadhatus, the seven bodily tissues)

Ojas is responsible for consciousness, purity in thoughts, health, positivity, immunity, longevity, intelligence and memory.

Ojas is one of the most important elements to maintain and sustain life.

Synonyms for Ojas are: Bala, Kapha, Prana

The primary location of Ojas is the heart, where it circulates to and throughout the entire body.

There are two types of Ojas:
1. Para (hridaya sthana) - this Ojas stays in the heart. It stimulates the pacemaker sinoatrial (SA) node and maintains healthy heart activity. The quantity is 8 drops. Therefore, the function of the Apara Ojas depends upon Para Ojas. If the heart stops the apara Ojas slows, resulting in death.
2. Apara Ojas (Sarvanga sharira vyapi) moves throughout the body (like ghee in milk). The quantity of this Ojas is 1/2 anjali. It is also known as shleshma Ojas because its properties are similar to shleshma (Kapha). The main seat of apara ojas are the ten dhamani (vessels) connected with the hridaya (heart). Any decrease in Apara Ojas will result in weakness in the body and low immunity.

Honey is a great analogy to use for the formation of Ojas. Thousands of bees collect the nectar of flowers and concentrate it into honey and store it in their hives. Honey is the Ojas of flowers.

Similarly, Ojas is the nectar or essence of all seven dhatus which are nourished by the wholesome food we eat through the Rasa dhatu.

It is superfine, colloidal in nature, liquid, slimy, cooling and sweet to taste - like honey. It smells like Laja, roasted rice. It looks like ghee and it is slightly yellowish- whitish in colour. Ojas is rich in soma which gives a blissful state of consciousness.

The 10 qualities/ guna of Ojas are similar to those of milk and ghee. They are opposite to Madya (alcohol) and Visha (poison). This clearly shows clearly that alcohol and toxic substances (chemicals/ recreational drugs) will diminish our Ojas.

The 10 qualities of Ojas are:
1. Guru - heavy
2. Sheeta - cooling
3. Mrudu - soft
4. Slakshna - smooth
5. Madhura - sweet
6. Sthira - stable
7. Prasanna - pleasant
8. Picchila - sticky
9. Snigdha -oily
10. Bahalam - spreads to the minute channels

For optimal health, an individual needs a constant, fixed amount of ojas that is stabilised in the heart and other tissues. This Ojas maintains the immune mechanism and the span of an individual’s life.

Ojo sara - optimal Ojas generates these characteristics:
1. Happy, cheerful, blissful
2. Loving and compassionate
3. Strong immunity
4. Good retention of knowledge
5. Eyes full of lustre
6. Glowing skin
7. Shining hair
8. Clarity
9. Strength
10. Stamina

Three Disorders of Ojas:
1. Oja visramsa - displacement of Ojas from one part of the body to another
2. Ojo vyapat - disturbed quality of Ojas. Vyapad literally means to hurt or spoil.
3. Ojo kshaya - decreased quantity of ojas

How to increase Ojas?
1. Eat regular meals, sattvic food, ghee, honey, rice and fruits
2. Dates, Almonds, Saffron, cardamom, milk,
3. Foods and herbs having same qualities of Ojas should be used
4. Dinacharya/ Daily routine, Rtucharya/ seasonal routine, raticharya/ night routine
5. Yoga, pranayama
6. Spiritual practices
7. Avoid activities which cause unhappiness of the mind
8. Avoid alcohol and deep-fried food, less hot and spicy foods
9. Brahmacharya/ controlled sexual life
10. Rasayana/ rejuvenation treatment
11. Jeevaniya Gana aushadhi (life promoting medicines)

Enjoy this nourishing, Ojas promoting drink!

1. 10 blanched almonds (skin removed)
2. 5 dates
3. ¼ tsp ginger powder
4. ¼ tsp cardamom powder
5. 1 pinch of cinnamon powder
6. 200 mls of hot water

1. Soak almonds and dates in hot water for 1-2 hours
2. Blend all ingredients together until smooth
3. Add mixture to a pot and bring to a boil, remove from heat
4. Serve warm

If you have any further questions about Ojas you are welcome to email info@lakshmiayurveda.com.au for further information. Alternatively, you can call us at 0406 810 547 for further information.

From the team at Lakshmi Ayurveda, have a beautiful weekend!