From a Vedic perspective, when should you cut your hair?

September 15, 2021 2 min read

From a Vedic perspective, when should you cut your hair?
The “go a’head” days for your next haircut 

Today (Wednesday) I am getting my hair cut! I was recently asked which days are best to cut  your hair and when should be avoided within the Vedic tradition.

This sparked my interest and I wanted to look into more information about the topic. Plus I wanted to see if Wednesday was a suitable day for a haircut. I checked with one of my teachers in India on the subject and wanted to share a little information with you.

First, we must look at the days of the week and the residing planets and deities that are known to represent these days.

We must disclose that we are definitely not experts on the topic ‼️ If you are looking for more details it would be great to reach out to your local Hindu priest for exact dates and timings suitable for you. This article is very simplified - please contact us if you would like any recommendations for astrologers to speak with personally. Also it’s important to note that auspicious and inauspicious days are taken into consideration when choosing the best day to have your hair cut. This article is meant to spark your curiosity, provoke your thought process around intentional activity in our daily lives.

Days to Avoid:
    • Monday: associated with the moon. The moon is related to our emotions and mental health. Cutting hair on this day is said to bring about mental distress.

  • Saturday and Sunday: time to reschedule your weekend trips to the hairdresser.

Days to Favour:

    • Wednesday: associated with the planet Mercury and Lord Krishna. Getting your hair cut on this day is said to bestow blessings from the Goddess Lakshmi. Perfect day for a Lakshmi haircut!

    • Friday: Day of Venus. Venus is associated with all things beauty. So yes, this a definitely a go a’head day for your next haircut.

So it turns out I chose the appropriate day to get my hair cut!

May the blessings of Lakshmi bless you during you next trip to the hairdresser 

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