Which to use - lime or lemon?

January 31, 2023 1 min read

Which to use - lime or lemon?
Ayurveda speaks about the many benefits of citrus. Although lemon and lime are similar, there are differences in their qualities and use of both.

Lemon is called Jambira/ Jambeera जम्बीर in Sanskrit. From an Ayurvedic perspective, Lemon has cleansing properties. It is known for its high Vitamin C content. The citric acid helps to improve digestive disorders. It is sour in taste and has a heating effect on the body therefore can increase Pitta dosha if over-consumed 

On the other hand, Lime has more Pitta balancing qualities with its cooling potency (Virya)  It is said to help relieve inflammation more effectively than Lemon and has a sweet post-digestive taste. Lime has the digestive support and ability to boost the Agni but in excess can aggravate Kapha dosha, similar to Lemons.

Therefore, if you suffer from Pitta-type of conditions we suggest using lime.

Do you have a preference?

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