The element of Earth In Sanskrit Prithvi पृथ्वी

August 19, 2021 1 min read

The element of Earth In Sanskrit Prithvi पृथ्वी
The element of Earth - In Sanskrit Prithvi पृथ्वी

What qualities do you think of when you hear the word ‘Earth’? The mountains ⛰ the trees - embodying strength and stability.

The earth element is present in the bones, muscle, skin, blood, vessels and hair - parts of the body made of the most solid form. This Bhuta (Sanskrit word for element) governs the shape and structure of everything in creation.

The earth element makes the body strong ?? firm and compact in nature.

Prithvi has a downward action ⬇️ a gravitation to its nature. It is particularly linked to the sense of smell, hence the sense organ linked to this element would be the nose.

Other qualities, gunas, of Prithvi include a heaviness, dull, static, dense, hard and gross nature.

Knowing the information above, can you see the earth element within yourself?

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