  • Welcome to the Lakshmi Shop

    Browse our range of homemade products and Ayurvedic essentials

  • Ayurvedic Sweets Cooking Workshop

    We anticipate this workshop will be a popular one! You are welcome to join us in the kitchen on Saturday, August 27th for our Ayurvedic Sweets Workshop.

    This will be a practical workshop where you will get to make a few varieties of our favourite Ayurvedic sweet recipes. You will learn about the Shad Rasa, the 6 tastes, and their uses. You will learn Ayurvedic principles of cooking and preparing foods AND you will get to enjoy the recipes cooked together during the workshop with a warm chai tea 

    Date: Saturday, August 27th.

    Time: 9am-12pm.

    Location: Lakshmi Ayurveda.

    Included: Lakshmi chai, sweets and workshop booklet.

    Price: $95.

    Booking is essential. The link to book via EventBrite is below. Spaces are limited!

    #workshop #fremantle #fremantleworkshop #ayurveda #ayurvedafremantle #ayurvedicworkshop #lakshmiayurveda #ayurvediccooking #ayurvedicrecipes #ayurvedicpractitioner #sweets #ladoo #halva #shadrasa #ayurvedicdesserts #ayurvedicsweets