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  • Why is foot massage so important?

    August 19, 2021 1 min read

    Why is foot massage so important?
    Ancient medicines and modalities around the world speak about the importance of the feet. Specifically in Ayurveda, the sole of the foot is said to relate different parts of the body and the act of massaging them is powerful in the healing process.

    In addition to the physical benefits, there are benefits in the gift of both giving and receiving a foot massage a beautiful way to connect with your partner. Below are a few points to encourage you and your partner to incorporate foot massages into your evening routine.

    Benefits of receiving:

      • learning how to accept gifts when they present themselves.

      • Helps to encourage sound sleep.

    Benefits of giving:

      • providing your partner with your direct attention. No phone, no outside distractions.

    Foot massage is part of our Abhyanga oil massage treatment here at Lakshmi Ayurveda. If you would like to make a booking, you’re welcome to book online (the link is in our bio) or call us during office hours at 0406 810 547.

    Enjoy your foot massage 

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