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  • Panchakarma testimonial

    March 07, 2018 1 min read

    We just said goodbye to a lovely in-patient. It's amazing that we can have our patients staying at Lakshmi Ayurveda for their program. Even though it's a bit sad when they go back home, it's amazing when we hear back how amazing they feel and how their lives have positively changed after their Panchakarma program at Lakshmi Ayurveda.


    Here's Florence's testimonial:

    "I just had the most caring panchakarma of my life at Lakshmi. Karin was outstanding in the way she would explain all the outcomes possible to every small step of the treatment, making me secure and more interested through the process. My friends have been telling me how glowing I am, and they have no idea how good it feels inside. I feel centred, having the body and mind functioning in their best in years! I left Lakshimi promising myself to do it regularly. So I’ll be back for this encounter to my highest I. Love&Light to all therapist there. Florence"

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