Nasya Karma.

February 17, 2021 1 min read

Nasya Karma.

“Aushadham aushadha siddho va Sneha nasikabhyam diyata iti nasyam.” Ss. Ci. 40/21.

Shustruta says in the quote above that nasya is the drug, or sneha processed with drugs, which is administered through the ?? nostrils.

The nose it he gateway to the brain. Administering nasya oils assists in the nourishing and cleansing of the sense organs ??? and treat diseases above the shoulders.

There are different types of nasya treatment but for today we will focus on Pratimarsha Nasya, application of medicated oils to the nostrils.

The easiest method to practice nasya treatment at home is by applying 2 drops of a prescribed nasya oil in each nostril, generally in the ☀️ morning.

Anu thailam is the most traditionally used nasya thailam. It is often prescribed for colds, flu ? and clearing the sinuses. This thailam is great for treating conditions of the head, neck, ears, upper parts of the body including stiff neck and disorders of the eyes.

Brahmi ? thailam is useful in encouraging mental clarity, concentration, reducing stress and anxiety.

Ksheerabala thailam includes sesame oil, milk ? and bala root. This nasya oil is primarily used for headaches, ear pain, cataracts and nourishing the senses.

Do you practice nasya? We are curious to know which nasya oil you use!

If you would like to learn more about nasya ? treatment and see if it is suitable for you, you’re welcome to message us for suggestions.

Wishing you a beautiful Saturday ?☀️

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