Dermatitis Testimonial

November 02, 2021 1 min read

Dermatitis Testimonial
Improvements through Ayurvedic treatment!

We recently had a client with chronic dermatitis for over two years. She had been using constant steroid treatment with no substantial improvement. After seeing Karin and just 5 days of Ayurvedic treatment and herbs she started to see great improvement.

Continue reading for her personal testimonial.

“The environment at the Lakshmi Ayurveda clinic is so peaceful and inviting. I had an exceptional experience with a persisting medical condition. My dermatitis which required constant steroid treatment over 2 years was healed in 5 days by the recommended herbal treatment from Karin. It was the most pleasantly surprising results ever! Also, the lifestyle change that Karin suggested has been so positive for me overall. I cannot recommend Karin and her team enough.”

Another amazing experience in Ayurveda.

If you are interested in making a booking, appointments available via the link in our bio.

Wishing you a great day!

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