Below are the results of Panchkarma treatment at Lakshmi Ayurveda for a client with Endometriosis.
Endometriosis is an ailment where the cells normally found lining the uterus are also found in other areas of the body, usually within the pelvis. Endometrial tissue can be found in the ovary where it can form cysts and often causes very painful menstruation.
From an Ayurvedic perspective, the stage of menstrual flow is dominated by the Vata dosha. Hence during this stage there is aggravation of Vata dosha resulting in increased pain. When present on the ovary, cysts may enlarge to several cm in size. This stage is dominated by Vata and Kapha dosha.
Disorders of the female reproductive system are explained in the classical texts under Yoni Vyapad and Arthava Vyapad. Endometriosis can be correlated to Vatala Yonivyapad. The cause and symptoms are mentioned in the Charaka Samhita Chi 30/22 described below.
Nidana (causative factors) is said to be four:
1. Unwholesome diet and lifestyle.
2. Pradustartava (can be linked to hormonal imbalance, IVF treatments, contraceptive pills).
3. Bija Dosha (abnormality of sperm and ovum and genetic factors).
4. Daiva (Idiopathic factors or unknown causes).
The Doshas involved are Vata Pradhana (mainly Vata) with Kapha Anubandha (Kapha associated). So the treatment should focus on Vata Shamana (pacifying the Vata dosha) and Lekhana (scraping action) to reduce the Kapha dosha and aim for srotosodhana (clearing obstructions such as cysts).
The steps of our clients Panchakarma program included:
1. Deepana/Pachana (improving the digestive fire and digesting Ama or digestive toxins).
2. Snehapana (internal oleation).
3. Classical Virechana (purgation).
4. Basti treatment.
5. Prescription of Ayurvedic medicines.
Panchakarma Results.
1. Her pelvic ultrasound examination prior to the start of Panchakarma showed cysts ranging from 2.5 cm to 6.8 cm.
2. After classical Virechana treatment another scan was done one month later showing cysts ranging from 1.5 cm to 2.6 cm, showing significant reduction in size.
3. Yoga basti (8 Basti enemas) treatment was performed at the clinic and another scan was done the following month showing no evidence of the previous 5 cm endometrioma/ haemorrhagic cyst.
Amazing results! The woman was very positive in her outlook throughout the treatment and fully trusted in Ayurveda. A true inspiration!