Ashwagandha leaves from the Lakshmi Garden.

April 04, 2023 1 min read

Ashwagandha leaves from the Lakshmi Garden.
Many of our clients ask us how to use the Ashwagandha leaves and roots at home. Ashwagandha is most widely used in its root form. However, the leaves should not be thrown away and have many benefits!

We often use the leaves topically for our clients experiencing joint pains, skin conditions or excessive swelling. In combination with other Ayurvedic herbs, we create a lepana paste that is applied to the localized area.

You can dry the leaves in the shade or dehydrator or take a few of the leaves, bruise them in the mortar and pestle, steep them in hot water then drink the tea.

The plant is a wonderful herb that calms the nervous system, improves muscle weakness, and rejuvenates rasa, mamsa and shukra dhatus.

You can also make a juice (swarasa) out of the fresh leaves.

There are so many amazing benefits of Ashwagandha. Curious to know if this herb is suitable for you?

You are welcome to book in with one of our practitioners to discuss Ayurvedic herbs further. Bookings are available via our website or by calling us at 0406 810 547 or by email at

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