September 17, 2024 2 min read
Check out our YouTube channel to watch Karin's video on Rasayana treatment!
Health trends show that people are interested in undergoing cleaning and detoxification treatments. And yes, Ayurveda offers cleansing procedures to help treat the root cause of health conditions.
However, you don’t often hear about the importance of rejuvenation. Cleansing and rejuvenation must go together in order to create balance within our bodies.
Excessive cleansing can lead to a number of health imbalances and depletion. When coupled with Rasayana, rejuvenation, treatment, the body is provided with the optimal tools for healing.
So what is Rasayana?
Rasayana is a branch of Ayurvedic treatment. It is often used after Panchakarma or after the body has undergone depletion.
Rasayana treatment increases Ojas and nourishes the Rasa Dhatu, in effect nourishing all of the bodily tissues. The Rasa Dhatu is similar to our plasma, which helps to carry nutrients to deeper tissues within our body.
As you can see, maintaining the health of Rasa Dhatu is very important!
Various herbs, nourishing treatments and diet help to support the bodily tissues and improve the immune system.
Our favourite Rasayana formulation is Amalaki Rasayana.
This formulation is also beneficial for:
1. Anaemia (Pandu).
2. Tridosha balancing.
3. Nourishment of Rasa dhatu.
4. Rasayana (Rejuvenation).
5. To enhance immunity (Ojas building).
6. headaches.
7. promotes eye sight (Chakshushya).
8. skin problems, hair fall.
9. aphrodisiac (vrushya).
10. anti-aging (vayasthapan).
Purchase available via our online shop or by visiting the shop between 9am - 4:30pm.
Get in quick because they won’t last long!
Wishing you a healthy start to the week.
With Love, the Lakshmi Team 💚💚💚
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