Ayurveda can be life-changing.

August 31, 2024 2 min read

Ayurveda can be life-changing.

If you haven't seen me in the consultation room as often this week the reason why is that I have been in the treatment room receiving treatments from the skilled Lakshmi Ayurveda team. I feel very fortunate. 

The first time I experienced classical Panchakarma was after my Postgraduate placement at Alvas Ayurvedic Hospital in Moodbidri (Karnataka) in 2008. 

Wow, certainly a long time ago. 

Since then I have been doing regular Panchakarma and seasonal cleanses and Ayurveda is in my daily life. 

Often I say to myself, “I don't know where I would be and what I would do without it”. 

I having Ayurveda in my life has been life-changing. This was one of the reasons to make time for this seasonal body purification called Panchakarma.

The benefits I experience from seasonal cleansing are profound.

A few of the many benefits are mental clarity, lightness of the body, better elimination and food absorption, increased agni (digestive fire), better sleep, good endurance, more flexibility and a more luminous skin not to forget a feeling of happiness, contentment and peace of body, mind and soul. 

Another reason why I do Panchakarma is to follow the teachings of Ayurveda. PREVENTION IS BETTER THEN CURE. 

The ancient writing of Charka mentions

“Swasthasya swasthya rakshanam aturasya vikara prashamanam”

Ch.Su. 30:26. 

This Sanskrit quote states the aim of Ayurveda is to prolong life, promote health and maintain good health in an already healthy individual. 

Ayurvedic principles should be applied when we feel healthy.

In my family history, there is rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatic disease, ankylosing spondylitis and spinal stenosis. This is all in my immediate family. 

It could be sheer luck but I believe it's because of AYURVEDA that I have not suffered from a rheumatological condition. 

By placing faith and following the guidelines of Ayurvedic medicine, we allow our body and mind to reach deeper levels of peace. From there we can feel and experience a more vibrant and supported life.

“Person desirous of long life which is the means for achieving dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), and sukha (happiness) should repose utmost faith in the teachings of Ayurveda.” AH SS Ch 1: 2.

From our hearts - we truly believe in the healing powers of Ayurveda. 

We would love to be part of your healing journey. 

With Love, Karin 


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