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  • Yoni Steam Treatment

    September 06, 2022 1 min read

    Yoni Steam Treatment
    Another recommended Ayurvedic ritual for women’s health. This treatment is perfect to perform after Yoni Mudra meditation - see the video from yesterday to learn more ✨

    Yoni steaming is traditionally used in many gynaecological conditions including treating fibroids, candidiasis, painful periods, fertility treatment and during the postpartum period.

    We have formulated two special yoni steam mixes here at the clinic - one more cleansing in nature and one more nourishing.

    Our cleansing yoni steam formulation includes herbs such as Guggulu, Triphala, Neem leaves and more. This mixture is great for treating Candida and thrush.

    Our nourishing yoni steam mix includes fragrant rose, liquorice, Shatavari and more. This mixture is great for treating vaginal dryness and menopausal symptoms.

    We have a handmade yoni steam box available at the clinic. If you don’t have access to one yourself you can still perform this treatment at home! Instructions come with each of our Yoni Steam mixes.

    IMPORTANT! ‼️ Do not perform this treatment during menstruation, if you are pregnant, if you have wounds or infections around the vaginal area or if you have an IUD.

    Curious to learn more Ayurvedic practices for women’s health? Check out Karin’s recent video about Yoni Picchu, another Ayurvedic procedure, which can be performed at home (under the direction of your Ayurvedic practitioner).

    We love to support women to feel more balanced in their cycles using Ayurvedic wisdom

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