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  • Water is Jeeva/ Life!

    May 23, 2020 2 min read

    Water is Jeeva/ Life!
    Water is Jeeva/ life
    According to Ayurveda Jala (water) is one of the 5 elements (Panchamahabhutas).

    Ayurveda describes eight groups of water depending on its source.

    According to Ayurveda water helps with

    Daha/ thirst (ruchikaraka)
    Bhrama/ giddiness
    Nidra/ sleepy feeling
    Bala/ strength
    Pushti/ energy
    Sheetala / cooling

    Do you drink warm or cold water?

    Warm water ?
    Is light (laghu), digestive stimulating and alleviates all the three Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).
    Its is good for respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis and fever.

    It is best to boil your water and then let it cool. This water will be laghu (light) if you keep it overnight it balances all the three doshas.
    AH. Su 5:18

    Cold water ?

    Should not be used in pratisyaya (cold), flatulence, aruchi (anorexia), hiccups and immediately after an oleation therapy (oil massage).

    Jalapana Vidhi - Guidelines on how to drink water

    1. Only pure water should be used for drinking and cooking
    2. Water should not be consumed if too cold or too hot. Cold water takes a longer time to digest and is only recommended in murcha (fainting), vitiation of Pitta (excessive heat), alcohol consumption, giddiness, physical fatigue and vomiting.
    3. Excess water should not be consumed just before a meal and after a meal this will suppress your agni (digestive fire). Water intake after your meal can result in weight gain.
    4. Water during your meal should only be consumed in small quantity. This will stimulate digestion. So best not to drink iced drinks and sparkling water with your meal.
    5. Water should be served in containers made of Tamra (copper) or a earthen vessel.

    How much warm water should you drink with your meals?

    Ayurveda recommends:

    During your meal only 1/3 of the stomach capacity should be filled with water, 1/3 be filled with food solids and 1/3 with air/ space (enabling the food to churn).

    Just think of a cooking pot filled to the top, this will make it difficult to stir your food or your food would boil over during the cooking process.

    If you keep your water in the fridge you might want to try having it warm or room temperature instead .