Treatment of Headaches in Ayurveda

September 17, 2022 1 min read

Treatment of Headaches in Ayurveda
The Madhava Nidanam, one of the classical texts of Ayurveda, describes diseases of the head. In specific, the chapter speaks about types of headaches.

Headaches can occur due to the following:

    1. Vataja - symptoms include a sudden appearance of a headache, increased severity at night, reduced by warm towel.

    1. Pittaja - symptoms include heat and reduction using cold.

    1. Kaphaja - symptoms include heaviness, fullness, cold, and swelling of the face and eyes

    1. Tri-doshic - all of the symptoms mentioned above.

    1. Increased Rakta (blood) - similar to pitta-type symptoms

    1. Krimi (parasites) - symptoms related to prickling pain, very severe pain, discharge of pus from the nose

Do you suffer from headaches and migraines? Check out our recent post about marma points stimulation to help relieve headaches.

Some simple recommendations for those suffering from headaches:

    • Avoid excess screen time

    • Avoid excess sun ☀️

    • Refrain from alcohol and processed, heavy foods

Treatments for Headaches

    • Nasya

    • Head massage 

    • Shiro lepana - herbal paste application to the forehead and head.

    • Shirodhara ✨

    • Marma therapy

    • Yoga and meditation 

Karutha Gulika has been used here at the clinic to treat a client with headaches. It is prepared with Boswellia, Kankustha, Ferula Foetida and Aloe Vera Juice. The ingredients are crushed in a mortal and pestle and milk is added to make a paste. This paste is then applied to the forehead.

If you suffer from headaches you are welcome to book in with one of our practitioners to discuss a treatment plan suitable for you.

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