Treating Tired Eyes

June 14, 2022 1 min read

Treating Tired Eyes
Do you spend lots of time on the phone, tablets and computers? If you are looking for rejuvenation treatment for your eyes, we have an Ayurvedic option for you!

Akshi Tarpana is a unique procedure where medicated ghrta/ ghee is retained over the eyes 

The medicated ghee nourishes and strengthens the eye structure. This treatment is beneficial for the following conditions:

    • Helps prevent degeneration.

    • Treats dry eyes.

    • Squinting

    • Loss of eyelashes 

    • Ophthalmological conditions.

    • Eye strain

    • Macular degeneration.

    • And more!

First, a gentle massage is performed on the head, eyes and face before a frame of dough is made around both eyes. The frame is filled with medicated ghee.

Once the eyes are covered with the ghee the patient opens and closes them several times before the ghee is removed.

After the procedure, you are advised to avoid the sun or other bright objects

If you’re interested in learning more about this treatment you’re welcome to contact us at 0406 810 547 or by email at An initial consultation with one of our practitioners is required prior to performing this treatment to ensure it is suitable for you. Online booking is available via the link in our bio.

Wishing you a beautiful day

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