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  • Sweet, Sattvic Taste.

    November 29, 2022 1 min read

    Sweet, Sattvic Taste.
    The sweet taste, when in balance, helps to bring balance to Vata and Pitta Dosha. Sweet increases Kapha Dosha, as it is made up of the water and earth elements, the same elements which make up Kapha Dosha.

    However, there are naturally sweet foods that will not overly provoke Kapha Dosha. Honey and barley are two examples!

    The sweet taste is called Madhura in Sanskrit. Sweet is one of the 6 tastes, called Shad Rasa, in Ayurveda. The other tastes are sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent.

    Healthy examples of the sweet taste include sweet potato, pumpkin, rice, jaggery, ghee, grains, nuts, non-fermented dairy and fresh fruits.

    Unhealthy examples of the sweet taste include white sugar, candy bars, processed foods, excessive use of the sweet taste. Excess use of the sweet taste can result in obesity, unconsciousness, diabetes, enlargements of the neck glands and malignant tumours.

    We advise speaking with your Ayurvedic practitioner to determine which tastes are most suitable for you. The link to book in for a consultation is in our bio.

    Wishing you a great day.

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