Shastika Shali Treatments

February 22, 2024 1 min read

Shastika Shali Treatments
At the Lakshmi clinic we use this wonderful Navara rice for our Shastika Shali treatments. Prepared from scratch.
In comparison to basmati rice, navara rice is higher in fibre, minerals (magnesium, potassium and calcium) and vitamins especially B Vitamins
The high thiamine content in navara rice must be one of the reasons which makes the treatment so beneficial in treating muscle weakness, neuritis and other symptoms related to deficiency of B1.
The high potassium, calcium and magnesium content helps for improving muscle activity in patients suffering from muscle wasting.
A deeply invigorating massage using small linen bags filled with medicinally prepared rice.
The special Navara rice is cooked with milk and a herbal decoction of Bala and Dashamoola kashayam. After the application of warm oil, the rice boluses are used to massage, then the medicated rice is spread over the body.
The bags are evenly massaged from the neck downwards to induce sweat. This is highly rejuvenating, nourishing and strengthening. It helps to improve the overall appearance of the skin, nourishes depleted muscles and improves overall energy.
The treatment is beneficial for motor neurone disease, muscular skeletal ailments, osteoarthritis, anti ageing, provides strength (Bala) to the body especially mamsa, asthi and majja dhatu (muscle, bone and bone marrow).