Qualities of the 4 Pillars of Treatment

June 21, 2022 1 min read

Qualities of the 4 Pillars of Treatment
Remember the 4 pillars of Ayurvedic treatment spoken about a few days ago? Let’s go further and look at each of their qualities mentioned in the classical texts.

Qualities of Vaidya (Physician)

    1. Shastra - completed their studies (knowing the scriptures) and attained detailed knowledge about disease and treatment. Well-versed in the science of Ayurvedic medicine. Perfect theoretical knowledge

    1. Drushtakarma - having extensive practical experience, who has seen treatment being performed and gained experience in doing it by himself. Unparalleled practical knowledge and exposure.

    1. Daksha - alert, intelligent, skilled, analytical, wise, brilliant

    1. Shuchi - purity of mind, body and thoughts

Qualities of Rogi (Patient)

    1. Patient should have a good memory (Jnapaka).

    1. Obedient to the physician, following the treatment plan (Bhishagvashya).

    1. Having good strength, good willpower, not being greedy.

    1. The patient should be able to describe all symptoms clearly.

Qualities of Dravya/ Aushadhi (Medicine)

    1. The medicine should be available in abundance.

    1. It should be potent and effective.

    1. It should have multiple uses.

    1. It should be rich in efficacy and potency.

Qualities of Upasthata (Ayurvedic nurse/attendant)

    1. Knowledge, intelligence, able to follow the physician’s instructions.

    1. Alert and active.

    1. Affection toward the patient, compassionate.

    1. Shuchi - purity of mind, body and thoughts.

These are the 16 qualities needed for a successful treatment outcome.

We would love to hear your thoughts about this. Would you agree that we all have an important role in achieving optimum health? 

With Love, Karin and the Lakshmi team 


Charaka Samhita Su 9:5

Asthtanga Hridaya Su 1:27

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