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  • Nayopayam Leyham Preparation

    August 08, 2023 1 min read

    Nayopayam Leyham Preparation

    This morning Karin prepares our homemade Nayopayam Leyham.

    The preparation for this formulation was taught to her by her guru Dr L Mahadevan Sir in India and is used to reduce bloating and improve digestion. The jam/ paste offers a range of benefits, and it tastes nice too

    Nayopayam Leyham is:

      • Balya – strengthening

      • Rasayana – rejuvenating ✨

      • Jivaniya – life and energy promoting

      • Deepana and Pachana - digests toxins and enkindles digestion

      • Anulomana - promotes the downward flow of Vata

      • Shirovirechana - Helps to clear mucus and congestion

    Ginger is one of the main ingredients in this formulation. It helps clear Ama (toxins) from the plasma and blood. It warms the digestive system, increases Agni (digestive fire) and promotes the secretion of enzymes. It treats colds, cough and breathing difficulties. Other ingredients include cumin and coconut sugar.

    Call us in the shop or DM us to put one aside for you or book a consultation with one of our practitioners.

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