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  • Kushmandavaleha made with Love in the Lakshmi kitchen for our clients

    September 19, 2023 1 min read

    Kushmandavaleha made with Love in the Lakshmi kitchen for our clients

    Do you feel run down, have a fever, cough and cold or feel mentally fatigued? This Ayurvedic preparation might be very beneficial for you!

    A few weeks ago we posted about the many benefits of Kushmanda/ winter melon.

    Today we are making a classical Ayurvedic preparation called Kushmandavlehya. 

    This formulation is mentioned by Sharangdhara Samhita.

    This is a semi solid Ayurvedic preparation rich in taste and nourishing for all the bodily tissues (dhatus).

    The word Avaleha has been derived from the root word “lihaswadane”in which “lih” means a substance which is licked and “aswadane” means that which has good taste.

    This is true, as most Avaleha taste very delicious.


    Our Avalehya in the making today, contains Kushmanda, long pepper, ginger, cumin, coriander, bay leaves, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, jaggery and honey. 

    This formulation is used in the treatment for:

    Cough and colds

    Sore throat




    Vata and Pitta ailments

    Mental debility

    Low sperm count

    autoimmune disorder


    adrenal fatigue

    If you like to find out more and see if this herbal jam is suitable for you email or ph: 0406810547

    With Love Karin and the Lakshmi team



    #Kushmanda #cough #could #debility #vata #Pitta #kapha #fever #asthma #dravyaguna #ayurvedicpharmacology #classicalpreparation #charakasamhita #ayurvedalife #lakshmi #lakshmiayurveda #ayurvedaperth #whatsoninfreo #stayhealthyinwinter