Have You Tried Our Dosha Quiz?

July 11, 2023 1 min read

Have You Tried Our Dosha Quiz?

Dosha quiz downloadable available on our website

The entire body functions are explained through the doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha).

As the active or mobile elements, they determine the life processes of growth and decay. When in balance doshas are responsible for good health. When out of balance they are the causative forces behind the disease process.

Doshas can be increased, decreased or in balance. In your Ayurvedic consultation the practitioner will diagnose the state of your doshas in order to plan the treatment. Traditional Ayurvedic diagnostic tools include pulse and tongue analysis (nadi and jihva pariksha).

If you are interested in learning more you can join our Fundamental principle of Ayurveda online course or check out our free constitution questionnaire ?


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