Gopala Cow and Dairy

October 09, 2023 1 min read

Gopala Cow and Dairy
The term “Gopala cow” typically refers to cows that are considered sacred in Hinduism and are often associated with Lord Krishna. 

One of the names of Lord Krishna is Gopal (One who take cares of cows) and Govind.

Gopala are of the indigenous Indian breed known for its hump and distinctive appearance.

Milk and dairy products from Gopala cows are known for their high-quality milk, which is used to make a variety of dairy products like ghee, yogurt, and butter.

In Ayurveda the five products from the Gopala cows are considered to have medicinal properties and are used in various Ayurvedic preparations. 

They are called the panca gavya पञ्चगव्य

They include:

1. Dadhi – Curd

2. Ksheera – cows milk 

3. Ghrita – cows ghee

4. Gomutra – cows urine

5. Gomaya- cow dung 

These products from the cow are described in Ayurvedic medicine and are used in Vedic traditions for ceremonies.

Chakradatta (a classical Ayurvedic text) mentioned a formulation called Pancagavya ghrita which is indicated in depression and epilepsy. 

Growing up on a farm in Germany, I remember feeding them and having my hands licked by the calf’s. The milk we drank in the morning was still warm. I do well remember the strong flavour.

This was a beautiful experience today having my hands licked by this beautiful Gopala Cow @ bringing me back to my childhood 

We wish you a beautiful Sunday.

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