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  • Ghee, Ghee, and more Ghee ✨

    September 19, 2023 1 min read

    Ghee, Ghee, and more Ghee ✨

    Did you know we make our own organic Ghee you can buy in clinic from our shop?

    There are so many benefits to consuming ghee in your diet if used in moderation such as aiding digestion, balancing doshas, nourishing the body and boosting the immune system, as well as reducing inflammation and promoting healthy skin. It is often also used as a vehicle to carry herbs (anupana) into the body as it enhances the absorption of beneficial chemicals and antioxidants into the lipid-permeable cell membranes.

    Plus, it tastes delicious and is made with love

    If you would like to reserve a jar, you’re welcome to comment or send us a message and we will put one aside for you ☺️ 

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