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  • Ayurvedic Consultations

    July 04, 2023 1 min read

    Ayurvedic Consultations

    Are you looking to improve your health and wellbeing?

    If so, booking in for an Ayurvedic consultation is the perfect place to start.

    During your consultation the practitioner will discuss your medical history, your current state, and will perform an authentic Ayurvedic examination. This will include both tongue (Jivha) and pulse (Nadi) examination.

    The practitioner will then provide you with a tailored routine, diet and lifestyle recommendations as well as supportive Ayurvedic Herbs if necessary. It is important to note that many of our health complaints can be alleviated using simple lifestyle and dietary changes.

    Bookings are available via the link in our bio or by calling 0406 810 547 or emailing

    We look forward to welcoming you



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