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  • Avipattikar Churna

    November 16, 2020 2 min read

    Avipattikar Churna

    Today we have packed Avipattikar churna for one of our clients. This is a formulation well known for its effectiveness in treating acidity.

    Hyperacidity is called Amlapitta in Ayurveda and it is clearly described by Madhava nidana

    Definition Ma Ni 51:1. In Amlapitta, the quantity of Pachaka pitta is increased. Its normal bitter taste (alkaline) is changed to more sour taste (acidic) as a result of fermentation. Because of this increased sour quality, it is called amla (sour) pitta.

    Ayurveda describes 2 types of Amlapitta:
1. Urdhwaga amlapitta- affects upper GI tract.
2. Adhoga amlapitta- affects lower GI tract.

    Some of the causes of Amlapitta include incompatible food combinations, leftover and stale food, fermented food, excessive consumption of alcohol and spicy foods, day sleeping after eating, suppression of natural urges, stress and anger, coffee and carbonated drinks.

    Symptoms of Amlapitta include indigestion, dyspepsia, pain in cardiac region, loss of appetite, gurgling sound in the abdomen, thirst, burning sensation in throat and chest, headache, heaviness in the abdomen, diarrhoea and fatigue.

    How can Ayurveda help?

Due to the holistic nature of Āyurveda, preventative and restorative treatment can be performed by discovering the root cause of the disease and treating the whole person, encompassing the spirit, mind and body.

The treatment approach is depending on the type of Amlapitta (Adhoga or Urdhwaga type).

1. The first step towards your health will be correcting your digestive function with appetizing herbs (herbs that increase the digestive power).

2. Ahara/ Food + Vihara/ lifestyle - you will need to follow a special diet and lifestyle prescribed for you.

3. Shamana treatment - Pacifying treatment this is done when there is only a slight vitiation of doshas.

4. Shodhana treatment - Panchakarma.

    In addition to Avipattikar Churna, other herbs used for this condition are Amalaki, Shatavari, Guduchi, Yasthimadhuka and classical preparations such as Panchanimbadi churna.

    If you suffer from hyperacidity and are interested learning more, you’re welcome to email us.

    From the Lakshmi Team, wishing you a great afternoon!