Are you a milk LOVER?

August 03, 2022 2 min read

Are you a milk LOVER?
These are the 8 types of milk mentioned in the classical text.

We would love to hear which type of milk is your favourite (including plant based milk).

It is quite amazing to see how detailed the Ayurvedic knowledge is.

It states that the qualities of the milk greatly varies depending on the diet of the animal and the time of milking the animal. Yes good quality food is important for humans and animals ?

Ayurveda says that the milk drawn in the morning is hard to digest on the opposite the milk drawn in the evening is lighter as the animal is more inactive at that time.

We would love to hear your thoughts on good food and time of milking? Comment ?

According to Ayurveda 

Cows milk ?

Sustains life, acts as a rejuvenator, improves intelligence and strength of the body.

It increases breast milk and is beneficial for the breastfeeding mother.

It relieves fatigue, giddiness, excessive thirst and hunger.
Buffalo milk ?

This milk is heavier and cooler in qualities than cows milk. It is said to be indicated in insomnia and a person with an increased digestive power. It increases shukra dhatu (sperm).
Goat milk ?

This milk is easily digestible and indicated in chronic fever, tuberculosis, diarrhoea and bleeding disorder. It increases digestion and beneficial in malnutrition.

Camel milk ?

Is indicated in Vata and Kapha disorders, abdominal distension, worm infestation, oedema, ascites and piles.

Camel milk is slightly dry in quality, hot in potency and slightly salty in taste. It increases the power of digestion. ?

Sheep milk ?

This milk is hot in potency. It can can increase hiccups, pitta and kapha. Useful in Vata disorder, hair growth, aphrodisiac, enhances semen (shukra).
Elephant milk ?

This gives good strength to the body. It is sweet and astringet in taste and heavy to digest.
Horse milk ?

This milk is easy digestible and cures ailments of Vata dosha.

It has a sour and salty taste.
Breast milk ?

This milk is very beneficial in eye disorders caused by vitiation of vata, pitta, rakta (blood) and an injury. Breast milk is used as eye drops, tarpana eye treatment and nasal treatment. Ideal to adminster in the nose and eyes.
Ayurveda teaches on how to properly consume milk. We wrote about this a few weeks back. Check out our stories to find out more about this.

We wish you a beautiful Sunday ???

With Love Karin and the Lakshmi team