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  • A Note from Erica on Ayurvedic Nutrition

    April 01, 2020 2 min read

    A note from our Ayurvedic Nutritionist, Erica!

    Looking around at the supermarkets recently, I'm seeing that a lot of packaged and processed foods are disappearing from shelves. This is obviously due to their longer shelf life, as people prepare to spend more time indoors.

    In order to maintain a healthy body and immune system, there are some simple nutritional guidelines that we can consider.

    If you do buy packaged or processed foods, check the label and be aware of refined sugar, additives, preservatives and excessive amounts of processed salt.

    Canned legumes and vegetables are fine on occasion and are understandably convenient, but fresh vegetables especially will provide us with much needed vitality.

    Include a few staple sattvic grains, such as basmati rice and oats; some plants proteins such as mung dal, blanched almonds, toasted walnuts; some healthy fats such as ghee, olive oil, avocado; and as mentioned previously, plenty of fresh vegetables, if you can. Root vegetables especially provide us with a feeling of security and groundedness and tend to keep fairly well.

    To keep your vegetables fresher for longer, you can store carrots in water and pop them in the fridge, along with herbs and greens wrapped in a damp tea towel  Potatoes will keep for longer in a dark bag in a cool place.

    Chamomile tea and ginger tea are examples of soothing herbal teas you can also enjoy as we go into vata season.

    You can also add a little fresh ginger to your meals for a little immune boost.

    Sweet foods such as dates and honey, used in moderation, will help to build ojas and boost our vitality.

    Think simple, warm, gently cooked wholefoods. Soups, stews, risotto, dahl, porridge are all great options. If you are feeling some sluggishness/heaviness in your body, you can make your meals lighter and easier to digest by adding a little more water or stock.

    Another important suggestion would be to eat mindfully, in a relaxed environment, with appreciation for whatever humble meal you have prepared for yourself and your family.

    Chew well  This will help your body to draw the most nutritional value from your food and will also help to calm your nervous system.

    If you would like more information or more specific dietary advice, I am available for phone consultations. You can call the clinic to arrange a time.

    Wishing you all well, from myself and the rest of the team at Lakshmi Ayurveda.
