4 Pillars of Treatment

June 21, 2022 1 min read

4 Pillars of Treatment
Did you know ❗️ Ayurveda believes that successful treatment is dependent upon of 4 pillars?

Those four pillars are called as “Chatushpada of Chikitsa” 

    1. Bhishag / Physician. Vaidya is another synonym for physician often used

    1. Upasthata / Ayurvedic Nurse/ attendant

    1. Rogi / patient.

    1. Dravya / medicine

❗️Chikitsa = treatment.

❗️ Chatushpada = chatuhu (four) + pada (limbs).

These four factors are mutually dependent on each other. When all of these four factors are favourable then the treatment will be successful ✅

This is a very interesting concept. In Allopathic medicine, it is often seen that the importance is only on the Medical practitioner and pharmaceuticals. On the contrary, Ayurveda believes each of the four limbs has an important role.

Ayurveda emphasises the importance of Bhishag but it is considered that all limbs are equally important.

This really shows for a successful treatment a patient plays such an important role. A person needs to have the desire for health and self-healing. YES, your role in the treatment is so important!

Over the next few days we will expand upon each of the 4 pillars and their essential qualities. We hope to inspire each individual coming to the clinic to nurture and prioritise their health

With Love, Karin and the Lakshmi team ♥️

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