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  • Poha Recipe

    June 05, 2019 1 min read

    Poha Recipe
    Sweet potato, carrot and spinach Poha

    Serves 3-4


    1.5 cups of organic poha

    3 spring onions

    1/2 cup of spinach

    1 small sweet potato and a small carrot

    1tbs coconut oil or ghee

    1tbs ginger root

    1tbs cumin seeds

    1tsp yellow mustard seeds

    10 curry leaves

    1/2 cup cashews

    1/8th cup of raisins or sultanas

    2tsp of turmeric or if you like it more spicy add 2tsp of Madras Curry instead *

    Himalayan pink Salt to taste

    Garnish: fresh coriander leaves, lime, shredded coconut


      1. Rinse poha and soak for 3-5 minutes

      1. Finely chop ginger, spring onions, spinach, sweet potato and coriander

      1. Heat the frying pan, add coconut oil, sauté the seeds until the mustard seeds pop

      1. Add the curry leaves and cashews, sauté until golden brown

      1. Add ginger, spring onion and sweet potato and turmeric cover with a lid

      1. Cook until the sweet potatoes are soft

      1. Strain any excess water from the poha and add to the pot along with the raisins.

      1. Add salt to taste

      1. Stir well and cook for an additional 3-5 minutes with the lid off

    Enjoy :)

    Tips: We love it with cooked beetroot as a side dish

    *Madras Curry ingredients:

    Coriander, cumin, Turmeric, ginger, black pepper, yellow mustard seeds, cardamom, chilli, gloves, cinnamon and bay leaves :)